Sunday, October 5, 2008

AKICon: Miyazaki Games Weekend

What: Games, what else? I have many two- and multi-player games on hand. Guests
are encouraged to bring along their favourites, too.

When: Friday 21 - Monday 24 November.

Where: Mark MacLean's home in Miyazaki City. If you are planning to attend,
please send me an e-mail reply to this post, indicating from where you will be
coming. I
will respond with my address specifics, home and mobile telephone and

If you will be staying overnight with us, it is highly recommended that you
bring a sleeping
bag, as extra bedding is limited.

Alternative accommodation is close to our home in the form of Cottage Himuka,
which offers
furnished suite apartments at reasonable hotel rates.

Dining arrangements to be made by ad hoc committee.

Come game with us!


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